영남대학교 박정희새마을대학원영남대학교

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Alumni Profiles

Class of 2014

Major in Saemaul Undong and Community Development(Total: 47)
Major in Saemaul Undong and Community Development table A******* I*** M***,(Philippines),A**** A*****,(Indonesia),A**** G**** K*** M*********,(Togo),A***** M******* R***,(Afghanistan),A***** A***** M*****,(Philippines),A****** A****** D** S*****,(Mozambique),A*****-A********* A**,(Ghana),B**** A** M****,(Tanzania),B** C****,(Papua New Guinea),B**** M********** K****,(Ethiopia),C******** J***,(Philippines),C*** L***** H***,(Tanzania),D***** O********,(Mongolia),E********** M***********,(Mongolia),F***** T******,(Pakistan),G*** S****,(Senegal),H***** Y****** K***,(Myanmar),J*** Z*****,(China),K***** F******* E*******,(Kenya),K********* M**** R******,(Tanzania),K** P*****,(Cambodia),K*** S** Y*,(Myanmar),K******** D****,(Uganda),L*** M****,(Cambodia),M****** M******* S****,(Afghanistan),M**** A*** B*******,(Tanzania),M******* S***** F*****,(Tanzania),M****** A***,(Kyrgyzstan),N***** U**** M*******,(Pakistan),N******* S*****,(Uganda),N****** S**** E*****,(Philippines),N***** T** T*** D***,(Vietnam),N****** T****** Y**,(Ghana),N** N** A***,(Myanmar),O**** A****** K**** K***,(Ghana),P****** T******* M***** L******,(Colombia),R**** S****,(Cambodia),S** W** C*** O*,(Myanmar),S**** L*** J***,(Jamaica),S***** Y******* A*****,(Ethiopia),S****** J**** N****,(Bangladesh),S********* E**,(Indonesia),T** T** A***,(Myanmar),T******** T**********,(Laos),T***** M******,(Pakistan),W** T****** T**,(Myanmar),W***** E** M******,(Indonesia)(으)로 구성된 Major in Saemaul Undong and Community Development table 을(를) 보여주는 표
A******* I*** M*** (Philippines)
  • Degree received: Master of Saemaul Studies (MSS) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: The Effects of the Social Enterprise Program of St. Peter Academy of Alegria Foundation. Inc.: An Evaluative Study on the Economic Conditions of the Farmers at Alegria. Cebu in the Philippines
A**** A***** (Indonesia)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration(MPA) (2015. 08. 21)
A**** G**** K*** M********* (Togo)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration(MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: Saemaul Undong and Entrepreneurial Spirit Development: Lessons for Developing Countries
A***** M******* R*** (Afghanistan)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: Role of Government in Rural Development: Comparison between Afghanistan National Solidarity Program and South Korea Saemaul Undong
A***** A***** M***** (Philippines)
  • Degree received: Master of Saemaul Studies (MSS) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: Culture-based Economy: A Saemaul Development Approach for the Philippines
A****** A****** D** S***** (Mozambique)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: Impact of Decentralization on Education Development in Mozambique. 2003 to 2013 - Case Study Buzi District. Sofala Province
A*****-A********* A** (Ghana)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: The Effect of Women Empowerment through Self-Help Groups on Poverty Reduction in Rural Ghana: Focusing on Saemaul Undong (A Case Study of Elmina)
B**** A** M**** (Tanzania)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: The Social-Economic Impacts of Tourism Development in Tanzania - Focus on Nungwi Village in Zanzibar
B** C**** (Papua New Guinea)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: Adoption of Saemaul Undong for Rural Community-Building in Papua New Guinea: A Case Study of Gor Community in Simbu Province
B**** M********** K**** (Ethiopia)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: Analysis of Leadership in Teaching and Learning Process: Case Study in Assosa University
C******** J*** (Philippines)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: A Comparative Study on Village Level Community-Driven Development: Focus on Saemaul Undong in South Korea and KALAHI-CIDSS in the Philippines.
C*** L***** H*** (Tanzania)
  • Degree received: Master of Saemaul Studies (MSS) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: Effectiveness of the Health Services to Orphans and Most Vulnerable Children in Zanzibar: A Case Study of Urban District in Zanzibar Town
D***** O******** (Mongolia)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: Women's Participation on the Mongolian Parliament from the Perspective of Gender Equality
E********** M*********** (Mongolia)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Women's Participation in Community Development: Adoption of Saemaul Undong in Ger Areas. Ulaanbaatar. Mongolia
F***** T****** (Pakistan)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: Women Empowerment in FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) of Pakistan through Income Generation Projects
G*** S**** (Senegal)
  • Degree received: Master of Saemaul Studies(MSS) (2015. 08. 21)
H***** Y****** K*** (Myanmar)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: A Study on the Improvement of Social Capital in Agriculture Cooperatives of Myanmar
J*** Z***** (China)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration(MPA) (2015. 08. 21)
K***** F******* E******* (Kenya)
  • Degree received: Master of Saemaul Studies(MSS) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Report title: A Study on the Effects of M-PESA Technology on the Community Development in Kenya with Focus on Global Saemaul Undong: Case Study of Vihiga Village and Mathare Urban Centre
K********* M**** R****** (Tanzania)
  • Degree received: Master of Saemaul Studies(MSS) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: A Study on Improvement of Women's Status through Decent Works in Tanzania - A Case of Rungemba Community Development Training Institute's Diploma Alumnae
K** P***** (Cambodia)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: Impact of Irrigation System on Community Livelihood in Cambodia
K*** S** Y* (Myanmar)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: A Study on the Application of Saemaul Undong for Community Driven Rural Development Project in Myanmar: Focus on Evergreen Village Development Project
K******** D**** (Uganda)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (2016. 08. 22)
  • Thesis title: Policy Suggestions of Water Scarcity on Agriculture in the Karamoja Region of Uganda: Lessons Learnt from Saemaul Undong Village Organizations
L*** M**** (Cambodia)
  • Degree received: Master of Saemaul Studies (MSS) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: Methodologies and Tools for Agricultural and Rural Development in Cambodia: Lessons from Korean Experience
M****** M******* S**** (Afghanistan)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Foreign Aid in South Korea and Afghanistan
M**** A*** B******* (Tanzania)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (2016. 08. 22)
  • Report title: Adopting Women's Empowerment of Saemaul Undong for Poverty Reduction in Rural Tanzania: A Case of Sengerema District
M******* S***** F***** (Tanzania)
  • Degree received: Master of Saemaul Studies (MSS) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: Regional Development Strategy through Women Empowerment in Tanzania Magagula Ward: Focusing on Saemaul Education
M****** A*** (Kyrgyzstan)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: Comparative Study of the National Programs Araket. Kyrgyz Republic and Saemaul Undong in the Republic of Korea
N***** U**** M******* (Pakistan)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: Forecasting and Analysis of Unemployment in Pakistan Using Time Series Approach
N******* S***** (Uganda)
  • Degree received: Master of Saemaul Studies (MSS) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: Early Marriage and Its Socio-Economic Effects to the Communities of Uganda: A Case of Mayuge District
N****** S**** E***** (Philippines)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration(MPA) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Relationship of Presidential Leadership and Development in the Conflicted Areas of Mindanao in the Philippines: Focus on the Benigno Aquino III Government
N***** T** T*** D*** (Vietnam)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: Management of Fresh Tea Collection at Tea Manufacturing Company in Phu Tho Province. Vietnam
N****** T****** Y** (Ghana)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: "Social Capital and Community Development in Ghana: Lessons from Saemaul Undong
N** N** A*** (Myanmar)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: A Comparative Study on Community Development Models: Saemaul Undong of South Korea and Community Driven Development of Myanmar
O**** A****** K**** K*** (Ghana)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: Application of Korea's Saemaul Undong Model to the Enhancement of Livestock Production in Ghana
P****** T******* M***** L****** (Colombia)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: Application of Saemaul Undong to Improve Food Productivity: Focusing on the Rural Area of Cauca during Post-Peace Agreements in Colombia
R**** S**** (Cambodia)
  • Degree received: Master of Saemaul Studies (MSS) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: A Comparative Study of the Agricultural Cooperative Development in Cambodia and South Korea
S** W** C*** O* (Myanmar)
  • Degree received: Master of Saemaul Studies (MSS) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: Human Resource Development in Rural and Border Areas: A Case Study of Two Nationalities Youth Resources Development Degree Colleges of Myanmar
S**** L*** J*** (Jamaica)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration(MPA) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Effect of Rural Transportation System on Agricultural Development in Rural Jamaica
S***** Y******* A***** (Ethiopia)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration(MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: An Exploratory Study for the Adoption of Saemaul Undong as a Rural Community Development Model in Ethiopia
S****** J**** N**** (Bangladesh)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration(MPA) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: The Effect of Women Empowerment on Poverty Reduction in Rural Bangladesh: Focusing on Saemaul Undong
S********* E** (Indonesia)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration(MPA) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Application of Saemaul Undong's Residents' Participation Plan on Community Development-Focusing on the Sumenep District of East Java Province in Indonesia
T** T** A*** (Myanmar)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: A Comparative Study on Rural Community Development Model: Myanmar Cooperative Movement and South Korea Saemaul Undong
T******** T********** (Laos)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: The Impact of Saemaul Undong Movement in Laos
T***** M****** (Pakistan)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: Relationship between Foreign Aid and Economic Growth in Pakistan - A Causality Analysis
W** T****** T** (Myanmar)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: A Comparative Study of Saemaul Undong Community Development in Korea and Border Areas Development Program in Myanmar
W***** E** M****** (Indonesia)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Administration (MPA) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: Capacity Building for Village Government through Implementation of 6th Act of 2014 on Village - Focusing on the Ponorogo District East Java Indonesia
Major in International Development Cooperation(Total: 24)
Major in International Development Cooperation table A***** S****,(Tunisia),B******** M*********,(Poland),B******** A*****,(Indonesia),C******** K*******,(Philippines),C*** D******,(Moldova),G***** M*** U* D**,(India),G**** E******* P***** E********,(Ecuador),H* Q**** A**,(Vietnam),J**** Y****,(China),K***** L***** P****,(Kenya),K***** W**** K*******,(Zambia),K********** H*******,(Afghanistan),K**** C******** K*****,(Kenya),K***** L** L**,(Laos),L* H**** L***,(Vietnam),M*** C***** W**** T*****,(Ecuador),M**** G**** GARETH,(Jamaica),N******** M***** M*****,(Tanzania),S******* P*** B******,(Philippines),S***** M* M*******,(Philippines),S********* N*********,(Thailand),S******* M******* S*****,(Ethiopia),V* T** T*** L***,(Vietnam),Y* M***,(China)(으)로 구성된 Major in International Development Cooperation table 을(를) 보여주는 표
A***** S**** (Tunisia)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in International Development(MA/ID) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Countering Radicalization into Violent Extremism and Preventing Terrorism: A Community-Oriented Policing Approach for Tunisia
B******** M********* (Poland)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in International Development(MA/ID) (2015. 08. 21)
B******** A***** (Indonesia)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in International Development (2015. 10. 16)
  • Thesis title: Performance Measurement of Saemaul Undong Movement Implementation: A Poverty Alleviation Program by Strengthening Glocalization in Sister Province's Cooperation between Yogyakarta and Gyeongsangbuk Do in 2008-2010
C******** K******* (Philippines)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in International Development(MA/ID) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Understanding the Relevance of Theory of Protracted Social Conflicts in Land Access Policies in Mindanao. Philippines
C*** D****** (Moldova)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in International Development(MA/ID) (2015. 08. 21)
G***** M*** U* D** (India)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in International Development (MA/ID) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: Poverty and Corruption in Jammu and Kashmir India
G**** E******* P***** E******** (Ecuador)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in International Development(MA/ID) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Comparative Study on Rural Development Models between Saemaul Undong of Korea and National Plan for Good Living of Ecuador
H* Q**** A** (Vietnam)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy in International Development(MPP/ID) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: A Study on Application Strategy of Saemaul Undong by the Post Evaluation on the Vietnam's New Rural Movement (2010~2013)
J**** Y**** (China)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy in International Development(MPP/ID) (2015. 08. 21)
K***** L***** P**** (Kenya)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in International Development(MA/ID) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Strengthening Citizens Participation in Community-Driven Development: The Role of Citizens in Kenyas' Constituency Devolved Fund Act 2013
K***** W**** K******* (Zambia)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in International Development (2016. 08. 22)
  • Report title: The Role of Education in Empowering Youth for Eeconomic Development: A Case of Zambia
K********** H******* (Afghanistan)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy in International Development (2015. 10. 16)
  • Report title: The Effectiveness of Foreign Aid on Afghanistan Development: Is There Any Lesson Kabul Can Learn from the Korean Experience?
K**** C******** K***** (Kenya)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in International Development(MA/ID) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Report title: Study on the Co-Relationships between Urbanisation and Sustainable Development in the Case of Kenya
K***** L** L** (Laos)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in International Development (MA/ID) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: The Impact of Official Development Assistance on Economic Development in Lao PDR
L* H**** L*** (Vietnam)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy in International Development (MPP/ID) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: Challenges of Tourism in Vietnam: Government Implementation from the Perspective of Destination Management Organization
M*** C***** W**** T***** (Ecuador)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in International Development(MA/ID) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Report title: Analysis of Rural Development from a Gender Perspective: The Role and Importance of Women's Participation in Ecuador
M**** G**** GARETH (Jamaica)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in International Development(MA/ID) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Report title: Analysis of Electrical Generation Policy Decision Making System in Jamaica 2008-2014
N******** M***** M***** (Tanzania)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in International Development(MA/ID) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: An Assessment on the Use of Mobile Phone in Dissemination of Agricultural Market Information to Small Scale Rice Growers at Mkuranga District in Tanzania
S******* P*** B****** (Philippines)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in International Development(MA/ID) (2015. 08. 21)
S***** M* M******* (Philippines)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in International Development (MA/ID) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: Sociological Analysis of the Effectiveness of Women's Participation in Community Development: A Case Study on Saemaul Undong
S********* N********* (Thailand)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in International Development(MA/ID) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: The History of Korean Development in Mekong Region
S******* M******* S***** (Ethiopia)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in International Development(MA/ID) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Ethiopia Trade Relations with South Korea: Achievement. Challenges and Prospects
V* T** T*** L*** (Vietnam)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy in International Development (MPP/ID) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: Ethiopia Cost-Benefit Analysis of Mangrove Restoration in Thuy Trieu Lagoon. Khanh Hoa Province. Vietnam
Y* M*** (China)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in International Development(MA/ID) (2015. 08. 21)
Major in Public Policy and Leadership(Total:18)
Major in Public Policy and Leadership table A**** B*****,(Bangladesh),A****** J***,(Rwanda),A*** A**** M** M******,(Afghanistan),B** S*****,(Korea),H****** G***** V******* N*****,(Ecuador),J************* O*****,(Thailand),K*** S*** E********,(Papua New Guinea),K***** T******** G*******,(Bulgaria),M***** N*** D****,(Tanzania),N***** V****** D***,(Tanzania),N***** T** B*** P*****,(Vietnam),N***** TI** T****,(Vietnam),P*** T** T** H***,(Vietnam),P**** C*******,(Cambodia),R****** S*******V,(Ukraine),R****** D***** T*******,(Philippines),R***** D**** M**,(Philippines),R******** A****,(Afghanistan)(으)로 구성된 Major in Public Policy and Leadership table 을(를) 보여주는 표
A**** B***** (Bangladesh)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy in Economic Development (MPP/ED) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: Good Governance Practice at Local Government Institutions in Bangladesh: A Case of Local Governance Support Project
A****** J*** (Rwanda)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy in Economic Development(MPP/ED) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Report title: An analysis of Umuganda Program: Policy Implementation and Its Contribution in Socio-Economic Development of Rwanda
A*** A**** M** M****** (Afghanistan)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in Economics (2015. 10. 16)
  • Thesis title: Comparative Study on the Process of Rural Development in Afghanistan and Saemaul Undong of South Korea Focusing on Capacity Building Programs
B** S***** (Korea)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy (2015. 10. 16)
  • Thesis title: An Improvement of the E-Government ODA Business Evaluation Model
H****** G***** V******* N***** (Ecuador)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy in Economic Development (MPP/ED) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: Women's Empowerment: Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs) Creation in Quito. Ecuador
J************* O***** (Thailand)
  • Degree received: Master of Arts in Economics(MA/E) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Report title: An Investigation on Thailand's Rice-Price Support Program
K*** S*** E******** (Papua New Guinea)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy(MPP) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Local Ownership and Sustainability of Donor Funded Development Project: A Case of Papua New Guinea
K***** T******** G******* (Bulgaria)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy in Economic Development (MPP/ED) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: Assessment of the International Relations between Republic of Korea and European Union: Particular Emphasis on the Relations of the Republic of Korea with Certain European Union Member States
M***** N*** D**** (Tanzania)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy in Economic Development (MPP/ED) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Report title: A Study on the Promotion of Youth Entrepreneurship and Problems Associated with It: A Case of Mwanza. Tanzania
N***** V****** D*** (Tanzania)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy in Economic Development(MPP/ED) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Report title: Assessment of Women Empowerment for Economic Development as a Tool for Poverty Reduction: A Case Study of Dodoma Municipality in Tanzania
N***** T** B*** P***** (Vietnam)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy in Economic Development (MPP/ED) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: Role of Informal Sector in Improving Living Standards of Rural Households in Hanoi. Vietnam
N***** TI** T**** (Vietnam)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy(MPP) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Searching for an Effective Source Separation System for Municipal Solid Waste in Vietnam - Focusing on Hanoi City
P*** T** T** H*** (Vietnam)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy in Economic Development (MPP/ED) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: The Challenges to Relocation Policy of Environmental Management in Craft Villages in Vietnam: A Case Study of Policy Failure Conducted in Four Craft Villages in Bac Ninh Province
P**** C******* (Cambodia)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy in Economic Development (2015. 10. 16)
  • Report title: Rural Development for Poverty Reduction in Cambodia Focusing on Korean's Saemaul Undong Experience
R****** S*******V (Ukraine)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy in Economic Development(MPP/ED) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: A Study on Agriculture Reform of Ukraine - Focused on Case Studies of Agriculture Reform of US. EU. and Korea
R****** D***** T******* (Philippines)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy in Economic Development (2016. 08. 22)
  • Thesis title: Evaluating the Mangrove Crab Production of Barangay Concepcion. Kabasalan. Zamboanga Sibugay. Philippines: Finding Sustainability in Coastal Community Development
R***** D**** M** (Philippines)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy in Economic Development (2016. 08. 22)
  • Report title: Climate-Resilient Rice Production towards Food Security in the Philippines
R******** A**** (Afghanistan)
  • Degree received: Master of Public Policy in Economic Development(MPP/ED) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Report title: A Model Comparison between the Afghan National Solidarity Program and the Saemaul Undong in Korea
Major in Forest Resources and Ecological Restoration(Total: 14)
Major in Forest Resources and Ecological Restoration table A****** I M***,(Indonesia),E********L* T**** E****** M********,(Sudan),E**** B******** O****,(Cameroon),F*** M****,(Tunisia),L* T** H* T**,(Vietnam),L* H***,(China),N******* J****,(Rwanda),N********** G*******,(Rwanda),N****** D** T*,(Vietnam),N********** J******,(Rwanda),R****** I**** P***,(Indonesia),R******** A***,(Indonesia),S******* N** A**,(Indonesia),S****** A***** M********,(Indonesia)(으)로 구성된 Major in Forest Resources and Ecological Restoration table 을(를) 보여주는 표
A****** I M*** (Indonesia)
  • Degree received: Master of Science(MS) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: Analysis of Invasive Alien Plant Species in Selabintana Region of Mount Gede Pangrango National Park, Indonesia
E********L* T**** E****** M******** (Sudan)
  • Degree received: Master of Science(MS) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Overcoming Poverty by the Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) in Rural Area of Galabat, Sudan
E**** B******** O**** (Cameroon)
  • Degree received: Master of Science(MS) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Community Exploitation of the Southern Bakundu Forest Reserve, South West Region, Cameroon and Options for Its Sustainable Management and Use
F*** M**** (Tunisia)
  • Degree received: Master of Science(MS) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Forest Management and Utilization of Non-Timber Forest Product: Case Study of Oak and Fruit Tree Forest in Mogods-Sejnane, Tunisia
L* T** H* T** (Vietnam)
  • Degree received: Master of Science(MS) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Public Preference on Biodiversity Service at Tam Dao National Park, Vietnam
L* H*** (China)
  • Degree received: Master of Science(MS) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: A Study of the Ecotourism Legal System in China
N******* J**** (Rwanda)
  • Degree received: Master of Science(MS) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Impact of Human Activities on Urban Wetlands and the Strategies for Their Sustainable Management: A Case Study of Nyabugogo Wetland in Kigali City, Rwanda
N********** G******* (Rwanda)
  • Degree received: Master of Science(MS) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Evaluation of Community Based Management of Mukura Natural Forest for Its Sustainable Conservation and Improved Livelihood of People in Rwanda
N****** D** T* (Vietnam)
  • Degree received: Master of Science(MS) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Report title: Current Status and Uses of Medicinal Plants at Dong Nai Culture and Nature Reserve, Vietnam
N********** J****** (Rwanda)
  • Degree received: Master of Science(MS) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Reforestation Project in Ngoma Eastern Province of Rwanda and Its Impacts on Livelihood of Local Communities
R****** I**** P*** (Indonesia)
  • Degree received: Master of Science(MS) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Social Capital of Community in Community Forest Development in the Buffer Zone of Mount Ciremai National Park, West Java Province, Indonesia: A Case Study in Management Section Ⅱ of Majalengka
R******** A*** (Indonesia)
  • Degree received: Master of Science(MS) (2015. 08. 21)
  • Thesis title: Changes of Gender Role Due to Climate Change in Reducing Poverty and Protecting Livelihood in Mountainous Ecosystem at Solok District, West Sumatera and Forest Community of Gunung Gede
S******* N** A** (Indonesia)
  • Degree received: Master of Science(MS) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: Valuing Ecotourism with an Application of Individual Travel Cost Method: A Case Study in Palutungan Resort. Gunung Ciremai National Park, Indonesia
S****** A***** M******** (Indonesia)
  • Degree received: Master of Science(MS) (2016. 02. 22)
  • Thesis title: Medicinal Plants and Its Ethnobotanical Uses at Utilization Use Resort of Cikaniki Mount Halimun Salak National Park in West Java, Indonesia